Index for ‘SJ’ and ‘J’ Duesenberg models in 1/15th scale

Click on the PHOTOS or Galleries above to view the progress of the building stages.

This Project is to build two Duesenbergs one with supercharger and one without although both will have out side exhausts systems.

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Gallery - 12.172-186

Gallery - 11.157-171

Gallery - 1.1-15

Gallery - 2.16-30

Gallery - 3.31-45

Gallery - 4.46-60

Gallery - 5.61-75

Gallery - 6.76-90

Gallery - 7.91-105

Gallery - 8.106-120

Gallery - 9.121-138

Gallery - 10.139-156

Gallery - 13.187-202Gallery_-13.html
Gallery - 14.203-217Gallery_-14.html
Gallery - 15.218-232Gallery_-15.html
Gallery - 16.233-247Gallery_-16.html
Gallery - 17.248-265Gallery_-17.html
Gallery - 18.266-283Gallery_-18.html